Friday, April 9, 2010

Silent, Deadly Silent

I hear your breath
short and sporadic
gasping in my ear
whispering words unknown
your heart beats fast
faster than expected
as i grasp you
press you up against my body
you twitch slightly
dying in my arms
forever gone
as i feel the last pulse
that soars through your body
your eyes stop blinking
your body stops twitching
silent, deadly silent, in my arms

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Finally Gone - A haiku by me

you're finally gone
and I don't miss you one bit
also, that is a huge lie

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Windows

the windows
they fly towards me
fast as lightning
the scare me
soaring in rows
facing right in my direction
going thousands of miles per hour
until they collide with me
and subsequently shatter

Monday, March 15, 2010


A poem I started, got one stanza in, and couldn't finish, but I kind of liked it anyways.

Cuddly teddy
you sit on my bed
I wish I wish
that you weren't dead.

New found punctuation!

Man, am I really that nerdy that I am getting uber excited from finding new punctuations? Well I did just say uber... So yeah, I'm that nerdy haha. Anyways, while looking at a website where people post their literary tattoos, someone mentioned wanting to get a tattoo of the Interrobang. Well, never having heard of this before, I had to go look it up. And to my surprise, it was the greatest online discovery of my [so far] life!

"The interrobang, interabang, or quesclamation mark, ‽, is a nonstandard English-language punctuation mark intended to combine the functions of the question mark and the exclamation mark or exclamation point."

Other great and interesting things I have found:

"The irony mark or irony point (؟) (French: point d’ironie; also called a snark or hook) is a proposed punctuation mark that was suggested to be used to indicate that a sentence should be understood at a second level (e.g. irony, sarcasm, etc.). It is illustrated by a small, elevated, backward-facing question mark. The irony mark has never been used widely. It appears occasionally in obscure artistic or literary publications."


"The SarcMark, short for sarcasm mark, is a punctuation mark invented by Paul Sak designed to show when passages of text have a sarcastic tone. It resembles a cross between the @ symbol and the exclamation mark. " (I cannot yet find a version of this in typing to copy and paste and use on the computer...)

If anyone else knows of any other punctuation marks, lemme know! :D

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Silver, Beat.

Silver, Beat.

I'm bleeding
bleeding everywhere
from everywhere
pouring it, everywhere
it's silver
I don't understand it
why does it pour from my every orifice?
why does this happen
gushing this silver liquid
my limbs begin to shiver
they snap without warning
one by one
until just a bundle of sticks remains
still oozing it's silver
pouring, gushing, oozing
it's silver, broken pieces
they bend and twist
they warp
I don't know who I am anymore
these crawling deformed decapitated pieces
writhing in happiness while I am now dead
dead, yet alive in the sense that my heart,
while impossible,
still beats on.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


There they are
Floating mid-air
The claws of the ravenous Garksnaff

My eyes close tight
riding that impossible clawed image
Of an unknown hallucination

I crawled through thorny brush
It pricking and tearing
Past warnings terribly awry

Blood pools all over
Speaking to me, "Follow the brush not,
Or return, you will not..."

I break away
Into a clearing
Sensing a dark killing power

A clearing, maybe a lair
A bright sunny circle
But surrounded by shadowy trees

A growl I hear
A snarl from there
I frantically search 'till I see

The filthy claws
On the severed limbs
Blending to the darkness

Suspended arms
Attached to nothing
But the invisible, terrible beast

Purple scales, yellow feathers on knuckles
With it's sharp jagged talons
Dripping with blood of innocent

Out from the tree
Out from the brush
The Garknsnaff creates it's roar

The roar, a loud "Kra-ool!"
The brown saliva drips
As it's call sounds screams of it's victims

It swipes and attacks
Shredding my throat open
My deep red liquid pouring all 'round

The creature takes in a breath
With it's deep grumbling gasp
Devours my very last scream

I fall, crumpled, doubled in two
A victim of this beast
The beast, the last image in my eyes

There they are
Floating mid-air
The claws of the ravenous Garksnaff.